Haemorrhoid advice centre
Please read through our articles or speak to us if you have any further questions.
Let us help answer your questions.
Whether you’re experiencing and researching haemorrhoids for the first time or are now considering navigating the treatment options and clinical pathways available we have grouped together some help topics below.
You can also do a quick search below to help find the relevant information.
What are haemorrhoids, what causes them and what are the common symptoms?
How to manage symptoms during and between flare-ups and when to get help.
What are the treatment options – a look at symptom relieving options vs. medical treatments.
Our FAQs cover details around costs, aftercare treatment and Insurance cover.
Would you like to discuss your condition with a trained advisor?
Please call us now on 0800 999 3777 or let us know your contact details below and we'll be in touch:Why choose eXroid® haemorrhoid treatment?
The eXroid® treatment takes 30 minutes or less. Effects can be felt from immediately and no waiting for a referral
The procedure is supported and carried out by the UK's leading specialist consultant surgeons in CQC registered clinics
Get back to your life straightaway, with no time off work needed after the eXroid® procedure
eXroid® electrotherapy is subject to NICE guidance (IPG525 & MIB201), is rated as Outstanding by the CQC and carries the CE mark