Advice centre / understanding haemorrhoids

Do haemorrhoids get progressively worse?

For many people, haemorrhoids don't go away. Instead, they can get progressively worse over time, growing in both size and number.

Most chronic sufferers develop haemorrhoids in up to three locations, but these can become circumferential in an unfortunate few, making these more challenging to live with and potentially more challenging to treat.

Fortunately, now, you don't have to put up with recurring flare-ups and increasing discomfort: eXroid® electrotherapy can be used to treat all grades of haemorrhoids, however large and extensive they might be, as you can see on our Trustpilot reviews.

Where can you get advice and guidance about your condition?

Advice can be found on the internet initially, or by contacting your GP or GP nurse. Internet sources include the NHS website or via, if you are seeking the safest active treatment available at the moment.

Click for more details.

What should you request when getting a consultation with a medical professional?

It is important when seeking medical advice to be able to first explain your symptoms to your doctor. An examination should follow where the doctor will want to look at your bottom to see what is going on on the outside, undertake a digital examination (finger into the bottom test) to feel what is going on on the inside, and then a proctoscopy to visualise the anal canal and assess what is going on on the inside, including to see if there are any internal haemorrhoids present.

Usually if you have any bleeding it is important to get a referral to a colorectal surgeon for consideration of other investigations to be able to rule out more significant disease such as bowel cancer. Such investigations might include special XR tests or a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy, for example.

To organise an appointment with an eXroid consultant, please call us on 0800 999 3777 or click here for all other queries.

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Why choose eXroid® haemorrhoid treatment?