Understanding the symptoms of piles 

The symptoms of piles are different and unique to the individual. While some might only ever experience itching and some blood on their tissue when they go to the toilet, for others there might be an almost constant pain or dull ache. It can be confusing to understand if it is time to do something and seek medical help and advice and also understand if it is actually piles causing these symptoms or indeed something else.

Haemorrhoid Severity Score (HSS)

At eXroid our GMC registered consultants use the Haemorrhoid Severity Score (HSS) with every patient during appointments, to help understand the symptoms as well as how severe they are. The HSS is one of the most accepted scoring systems for understanding the symptoms of haemorrhoids and is used widely by medical specialists, especially Colorectal Consultants. Tracking the score over time – especially before and after treatment – is essential to gaining more insight into how the disease and its symptoms change and develop, which again, can be unique to the individual.

We believe the more understanding there is of this disease the better-informed sufferers can be, helping them to feel reassured and confident in managing this condition and when to take action.

This is why we are offering every sufferer the opportunity to “take the test” and start the journey to better understanding their symptoms.

Contact eXroid

If you would like immediate help & advice on your symptoms, please call our friendly & professional team on 0800 999 3777