Advice centre / Treating haemorrhoids
What are the types of haemorrhoid treatment?
There are a number of treatment options for sufferers to consider, whether that be to help relieve mild to moderate symptoms during a flare-up or to have a medical treatment to remove or reduce the cause of the symptoms, the haemorrhoids themselves, thus improving the impact and severity of the associated symptoms.
Historically these medical treatments have been segmented by the progressive grade of haemorrhoid disease (1-4), as traditionally there has not been a viable single option that has treated all grades of haemorrhoids prior to the eXroid® treatment launching in the UK in 2013.
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These can be at-home or complimentary methods like a sitz bath or an over-the-counter cream. Read more about the options available to you to help relieve symptoms during a flare-up.
There are a range on treatments that don’t require anaesthetic and are all unique in their mode of action and associated risks and benefits. Read about electrotherapy (Exclusively developed by eXroid in the UK) as well as some of the other surgical-alternative treatments like banding here.
For the most severe cases GPs are able to refer patients to a specialist NHS service, where they will be offered one of a few different surgical methods commonly used. Generally considered higher risk with more downtime needed to recover. Read more about the surgical options available.
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Would you like to discuss your condition with a trained advisor?
Please call us now on 0800 999 3777 or let us know your contact details below and we'll be in touch:What are haemorrhoids, what causes them and what are the common symptoms?
How to manage symptoms during and between flare-ups and when to get help.
What are the treatment options – a look at symptom relieving options vs. medical treatments.
Our FAQs cover details around costs, aftercare treatment and Insurance cover.
Why choose eXroid® haemorrhoid treatment?
The eXroid® treatment takes 30 minutes or less. Effects can be felt from immediately and no waiting for a referral
The procedure is supported and carried out by the UK's leading specialist consultant surgeons in CQC registered clinics
Get back to your life straightaway, with no time off work needed after the eXroid® procedure
eXroid® electrotherapy is subject to NICE guidance (IPG525 & MIB201), is rated as Outstanding by the CQC and carries the CE mark