Advice centre / understanding haemorrhoids

What causes (piles) haemorrhoids

A key question people usually ask is: what causes haemorrhoids? There are many theories but little is known about what causes them. However, certain situations do increase the pressure in the haemorrhoidal veins in the anus and increase the chance of piles developing.

These factors may lead to haemorrhoids appearing:

  • Constipation
  • Straining on the toilet
  • Pregnancy and labour
  • Being overweight
  • Genetic factors

The best evidence to tell us who actually gets piles was a recent study in Austria, when 976 adults were examined by experts during a bowel cancer screening programme to find out how common it was to have piles. The study found that 39% had piles, and almost half of those (17% overall) had symptoms from them. In other words, almost 1 in 5 adults have symptoms from piles. That means there are probably 8 million of us in the UK alone!

We know that as you get older, the risk of piles increases. Interestingly, the only other association with piles proven in this study was being overweight – so the heavier you are for your height, the more likely you are to have piles. For the more scientifically minded amongst you, this relationship was highly significant (p=0.028).

We want to give you the confidence to seek treatment. Below is an overview of the most common haemorrhoid causes and symptoms so you’ll be confident in finding a solution. Read on or get in touch to find out how you can treat them.

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