eXroid® direct current electrotherapy: a low risk treatment for all grades of internal haemorrhoids
We are often asked what makes our procedure low risk and how we are able to treat all 4 grades of haemorrhoids, when others cannot make this claim. The mode of action of direct current electrotherapy makes it a safer option compared to treatments involving banding, burning, stitching, stapling, or excising, as it works differently, with a lower risk of complications such as bleeding or infections and post-procedural pain and the post-treatment recovery period is usually rapid. eXroid® electrotherapy does not require anaesthetic, bowel prep, cutting or stitching and there’s also no heat involved. The low-dose current causes a chemical reaction in the feeding blood vessels, causing them to close and the tissue to retract, meaning that even those who are suffering with the largest grade 4 haemorrhoids can be treated, as can all the other grades, in the same way.
Our recent study of eXroid patients shows 0 serious adverse events (SAEs) following treatment, unlike banding (rubber band ligation) and haemorrhoidal artery ligation, which have SAEs of 1% and 7%, respectively, as published in the HubBLe trial1.
We have successfully had our abstract published at both the ESCP as a poster and the ACP as an abstract.