eXroid receives ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC


The Gold Standard for Clinical Care

eXroid Technology Ltd have received the highest possible rating on our inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in June this year. The accolade of ‘Outstanding’ is awarded to fewer than 3% of healthcare providers and we are absolutely thrilled to be one of them.

The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, ensuring safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care services to patients. By monitoring, inspecting and regulating services across all healthcare organisations, the CQC ensures organisations like eXroid meet the fundamental standards of quality and safety.

CQC rated Outstanding Haemorrhoid Care

We have been clinically registered by the CQC since 2020 and only after the pandemic were we able to hold an on-site inspection. Over the past few years, it has taken hard work, and sometimes difficult decisions in an unprecedented, challenging environment. So, it is extra special that the commitment and culmination of all the hard work from all our staff and the desire to provide the very best service to our patients has been recognised by the CQC as Outstanding. We're proud to have such an esteemed team of medical professionals at eXroid, all of whom are GMC registered and specialise in the treatment of colorectal conditions.


Michael Wilshaw,

Managing Director at eXroid said:

“The CQC inspection was a very challenging and rigorous process which made us reflect and scrutinise every area of our company ethics, ambition and discipline. A great outcome for our clinicians, our staff, our partners and especially our patients. This acknowledgement is a huge motivator for us to take our standards up another level.”


Receiving an 'Outstanding’ rating exhibits our commitment to patient-focused care and service development.

With training and development central to our clinical excellence, we are constantly raising the bar for the healthcare standards and haemorrhoid service provided to patients.

We will continue to positively improve the patient experience and impact upon health outcomes for haemorrhoid sufferers under a simple and transformational clinical pathway.

The Process

The Care Quality Commission states: ‘There are five questions we ask all care services.  They’re at the heart of the way we regulate, and they help us to make sure we focus on the things that matter to people.’

Five Key Questions

  • Are they safe?  Are patients protected from abuse and avoidable harm?

  • Are they effective? Does the care, treatment and support given, achieve good outcomes, help to maintain quality of life, based on best available evidence?

  • Are they caring? Do the staff involve and treat patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect?

  • Are they responsive to people’s needs? Is the organisation organised to meet their patient’s needs?

  • Are they well-led? The leadership, management and governance of the organisation need to make sure it is providing high quality care based around the patient’s individual needs, that they encourage innovation, and that they promote an open and fair culture.

How the Five questions are used within the inspection

Each of the five key questions are broken down into ‘key lines of enquiry’. These help the CQC to decide what to focus on. For example, the inspection team might look at how risks are identified and managed, in order to help them understand whether a service is safe.  This ensures consistency and focuses on the areas that matter most.

An ‘Outstanding’ rating

Following the inspection, eXroid Technology Ltd was rated Outstanding overall and specifically for Caring, Effective and being Well-Led.

Part of the report summary states:

We were rated Outstanding in ‘Caring’ because: Patients are truly respected and valued as individuals and are empowered as partners in their care. Patient’s individual preferences and needs were always reflected in how care was delivered, and patient’s emotional and social needs were seen as important as their physical needs.

We were rated Outstanding in ‘Effectiveness’ because: Outcomes for people who use the eXroid services are consistently better than expected when compared with other similar services.

We were rated Outstanding in ‘Well-Led’ because: The leadership, governance and culture are used to drive and improve the delivery of high-quality person-centred care.

As experts in piles, a condition that can be embarrassing and isolating for sufferers, we take pride in our commitment to compassionate and attentive listening.

Don't suffer in silence due to embarrassment. We're here to help.


Nicola Telling, Chief Clinical Operations Officer at eXroid said:

"We couldn't be prouder of this fantastic result. As a committed team, we are truly passionate about providing safe and excellent quality of care to all our patients each and every day. It is a huge achievement to receive an outstanding rating, we are absolutely delighted"


Would you like to experience outstanding care and service?

We remain available for all haemorrhoid sufferers, no matter where you are on your care journey.

We understand navigating the treatment pathway can feel slow and confusing sometimes. Why not give our experienced Patient Services Team a call to see if we can help. Contact us today.

Pete Longhurstnews, pro