What are the best foods to improve your digestive system?

What are the best foods to improve your digestive system?

What to eat for... better digestion

Say goodbye to constipation with healthy eating

We have heard time and time again: "you are what you eat" and if you've suffered from haemorrhoids, you will understand just how much diet can impact the level of suffering when going to the toilet. A high fibre diet and plenty of water can help to keep bowel movements regular by bulking out and softening the stool, alleviating symptoms of constipation.

It can be difficult initially to incorporate enough fibre into your diet, but after making a few small changes over time, these all start to add up. Dr Mark Hudson-Peacock shares the foods that are fibre-rich and easy to build into a regular diet:

Leafy greens

Greens such as spinach and kale are packed full of fibre, are a great source of nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. Promoting bowel regularity and healthy stools.

Adding raw leaves to salads and smoothies is a great way to add more healthy fibre and nutrients to your diet.

Whole grains

Whole grains such as lentils, chia seeds, chickpeas and kidney beans contain some of the highest fibre content, contributing to the recommended intake of 25g of fibre a day.

Swapping refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta for wholewheat bread and brown rice can be an easy choice to support your digestive health.


Fibre occupies most of the carbohydrate content (79%) of avocados. A 100 g serving of avocado provides 6.7 g of fibre, which is very high, providing 24% of the daily value (DV).

However, it’s important to remember that while avocado is full of great nutrients, it’s also high in fat and should be eaten in moderation.


An apple a day may not actually keep the doctor away, but it can help with your digestive health. There are about 4 grams of fibre in an apple, depending on its size. And, of course, they’re a nice and crunchy snack.


What are the best foods to improve your digestive system?

This cannot be emphasised enough; staying hydrated will enable your body to produce softer stools, that are easier to pass and cause less irritation when going to the toilet, thus being less likely to aggravate the piles and cause an increase in symptoms (or flare-up).

Invest in a water bottle that can easily be refilled during the day. If you need an extra kick of motivation, buying one that is clear will help you see your progress throughout the day.

For more information on how to manage haemorrhoid symptoms and reduce flare-ups, please click here.

Pete Longhurstnews