Treating haemorrhoid flare-ups away from home

When travel disrupts your regular routines

At-home remedies such as using a sitz bath and the cooling sensation from an ice pack can provide effective and convenient symptom relief during a piles flare-up. So, what do you do when the unavoidable happens – you have a haemorrhoid flare-up while you’re away from home?

1.  Loose cotton clothing

To reduce irritation, swap out tight, polyester clothes with breathable cotton underwear and loose-fitted clothing. This will help to keep the anal area both clean and dry, potentially reducing symptoms and risk of infections.

2.  Anti-inflammatory topical treatments

Haemorrhoid relief products are often described as topical treatments. Many of these products contain a relief-effective, anti-inflammatory active ingredient called hydrocortisone. This ingredient not only comes in the form of creams but is also found in ointments, suppositories and foams that are readily available from your pharmacy.

3.  Pain control using oral medication

Using painkillers such a paracetamol or Anadin offer pain relief for haemorrhoids for those short periods of time when your haemorrhoids are inflamed. If you are experiencing bleeding from your piles then you should avoid anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, as these can make the bleeding worse.

4.  Spare underwear

Bleeding from your bottom is one of the most common haemorrhoid symptoms. If you often notice small spots of fresh, red blood in your underwear or toilet paper, it may soothe any worry by travelling with a spare pair of underwear when haemorrhoids flare-up.

5.  Use moist wipes

Toilet paper can be rough and irritating to external haemorrhoids. Try using a moist wipe instead. Look for ones without added fragrance or irritants. You can shop for wipes online or ask your local pharmacist. 

Read here for our tips to reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Pete Longhurstnews