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External haemorrhoids

External haemorrhoids are different from internal haemorrhoids in two important ways: the first and most obvious difference is where they are located – external haemorrhoids, as the name suggests, are on the outside of your anus. Internal haemorrhoids are on the inside.

The second difference is the very nature of external haemorrhoids; they develop under the skin in a nerve rich sensitive area around the outside of the anus.

This is an important distinction because it explains why external piles are more likely to be painful than internal piles.

What do external haemorrhoids look like?

As they are on the outside of your anus, you will be able to see them. External piles look like small pink lumps and generally come with more complications than internal haemorrhoids.

Why are external haemorrhoids more complicated?

As mentioned, they are likely to be more painful, but if you think about the fact that they are located outside of your anus, you’ll appreciate that external piles form an obvious barrier to your natural bowel movements.

External piles are more prone to becoming inflamed and swollen if you constantly strain when you open your bowels. They become itchy, sore and from time to time become quite uncomfortable.

One of the other complications with external haemorrhoids, is that blood clots can develop in them. These are called “thrombosed haemorrhoids” and can look purple and bruised. The clot will naturally dissolve but until it does it can make the haemorrhoid very painful.

How to treat external haemorrhoids

Using over the counter ointments creams can help reduce any irritation by effectively numbing the area. The active ingredient in these treatments is a steroid called hydrocortisone. The percentage of hydrocortisone is very small, but you shouldn’t use the ointments for longer than advised on the packaging.

Regular warm baths or soaking in a Sitz bath can help relieve the symptoms of external piles. If the irritation gets really bad, then using ice packs around the area can bring immediate relief.

For extreme pain that may be caused by thrombosed piles, over the counter pain killers are the only option for temporary relief.

As with any sort of haemorrhoid, a change to a high fibre diet will help keep the haemorrhoid from becoming inflamed. This is due to the healthy, regular bowel movements that are promoted through a healthy diet.

Is there a cure for external haemorrhoids?

There is NO cure that will prevent you from ever getting haemorrhoids but there are treatments that can eradicate the haemorrhoids that you have.

In the case of external haemorrhoids the treatment to eradicate them will be of a surgical nature. eXroid does not provide treatments for external haemorrhoids.

However, it may well be, that what you think are external haemorrhoids, may actually be prolapsed internal haemorrhoids. Read about prolapsed haemorrhoids here

If they are in fact prolapsed internal haemorrhoids, then the treatment options include non-surgical procedures.

The main treatment options can be found here.

eXroid electrotherapy treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that can eradicate your internal piles and for most people, enable you to get back to your life on the same day.

If your external haemorrhoids turn out to be prolapsed internal haemorrhoids, then a discreet call to one of our advisors will get you on the first steps to saying goodbye to your piles.

Appointments are usually sorted within two weeks.

All treatments are carried out by fully qualified doctors.

To organise an appointment with an eXroid consultant, please call us on 0800 999 3777 or click here for all other queries.


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