Advice centre / Understanding haemorrhoids / Types of haemorrhoids
What is a thrombosed haemorrhoid?
A thrombosed haemorrhoid, is the medical term for a haemorrhoid that has become swollen due to a small blood clot within the haemorrhoid. The word ‘thrombosis’ means clotting.
A thrombosed haemorrhoid can occur in both internal and external piles but is more common in external piles. The reason is thought to be down to the extra stress that external hemorrhoids are put under due to where they are located – on the outside of the anus.
In truth, the specific reason some sufferers develop a thrombosed haemorrhoid and some don’t is not fully understood. If you are one of the unlucky ones, you may find that a thrombosed haemorrhoid can have a negative impact on your normal everyday activities, making it hard to walk or just sit down comfortably.
In more extreme cases thrombosed haemorrhoids can become infected, which in turn can lead to an abscess. This will need medical attention, as it brings with it, additional symptoms such as a fever, and antibiotics are likely to be prescribed as part of the management.
Thrombosed haemorrhoid symptoms
Anal itching and spot bleeding are symptomatic of a thrombosed haemorroid.
As most haemorrhoids are painless, a stronger marker that you have a thrombosed haemorrhoid is the experience of acute pain and swelling in the area around the anus.
Topical treatments will offer relief for the itching symptoms of a thrombosed haemorrhoid, but will not typically result in pain relief as the pain is the result of pressure and swelling within the tissue.
What causes thrombosed haemorrhoids?
As we’ve mentioned, scientists don’t fully understand why blood clots form in some external haemorrhoids and not in others. There do seem to be certain things that can make a haemorrhoid becoming thrombosed more likely:
Not including enough fibre in your diet can cause you to strain when opening your bowels. This extra pressure can be a cause of thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Sitting for long periods of time adds to the pressure around your bottom.
Age can be a factor. The blood vessels become weaker, which makes you more susceptible to thrombosed hemorrhoids.
How do I treat a thrombosed haemorrhoid?
There are ways of managing some of the symptoms of a thrombosed haemorrhoid, such as over the counter hydrocortisone creams and ointments. If your symptoms need something stronger to manage them, creams with a higher level of steroid are available on prescription from your GP.
Regularly bathing in a Sitz bath can bring some welcome relief.
Using ice packs around the area whilst sitting in a chair is another technique that’s been known to work.
If the symptoms of thrombosed haemorrhoids become intolerable, then a small surgical procedure that drains the blood clot from the haemorrhoid, called a thrombectomy, can sort the problem out.
This treatment can only be undertaken in the first few days after the haemorrhoid has become thrombosed; otherwise other surgical options may need to be considered.
Is there a cure for thrombosed hemorrhoids?
Unfortunately, there is NO cure that will prevent you from ever getting haemorrhoids but there are treatments that can eradicate the haemorrhoids that you have.
Depending on the exact nature of your piles the options range from surgical to non-surgical
The main treatment options can be found here.
eXroid electrotherapy treatment is a non-invasive non-surgical treatment that can eradicate your internal piles and for most people, enable you to get back to your life on the same day.
A discreet call to one of our advisors will get you on the first steps to saying goodbye to your piles. Appointments are usually sorted within two weeks. All treatments are carried out by fully qualified doctors.
To organise an appointment with an eXroid consultant, please call us on 0800 999 3777 or click here for all other queries.