Mrs Kennedy's Story
* A screen shot from the consultant’s iPad and is as per the observations from the patient’s appointments
Medical Notes:
Mrs Kennedy came to eXroid after suffering with haemorrhoids for 25 years. During Mrs Kennedy’s consultation and examination, we observed three grade four haemorrhoids, which were prolapsing.
During treatment, all three haemorrhoids visibly shrank by 50% and continued to shrink once the probes were removed. Three days after the treatment, the patient reported that she was completely symptom-free and pain-free and they believed that eXroid had given their life back to her in its entirety.
At her 4 week check-up call the patient reported no further symptoms present and did not require a follow-up treatment.
The Patient’s Story
I have suffered with haemorrhoids for 25 years, which in recent years protruded for most of the time. I suffered from heavy bleeding and stool leakage. However, it was the severe pain and pressure, which stopped me from being able to sleep, that drove me to get treatment. I was honestly at my end here on this earth due to this pain.
I visited my GP and the only treatment option on the NHS was to get them cut off, with a haemorrhoidectomy. I was anxious to have a haemorrhoidectomy because I was frequently told by consultants that this procedure had a painful recovery process. Previously, I had a banding procedure, which I was unsuccessful, and I found also that procedure incredibly painful.
But my haemorrhoidectomy treatment on the NHS was rescheduled, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. When, I eventually got to the surgery, the surgeon examined me and came to the conclusion that my haemorrhoids were too big to operate on and that instead I would need a colonoscopy bag and counselling.
So, I started to explore other options. After looking at their website, I immediately gave eXroid a call. Their advisor Jade was incredibly informative and supportive, as the pain had driven me to become quite emotional and assured me that I was suitable.
During my appointment, I found the clinic immaculate and well-equipped, as a retired paramedic I know what to look for. The Doctor and chaperone were incredibly professional and put me at ease. eXroid treated all three of my haemorrhoids.
Immediately after the treatment I felt relief and a few days after my treatment I was completely symptom free. I had no bleeding, leaking or pain. I feel that eXroid had saved my life, I am able to everyday activities, that I could not previously do. I was able to walk for an hour and there was no pain!
I am informing my doctors surgery to advise any sufferers to refer to them.
Please don’t suffer it for a minute longer, I genuinely wish I hadn’t after suffering to the extreme for far too long.